Home visits are in-home appointments with medical professionals which lessen a patient’s burden at a time when they need it the most. We can help to determine if you’re eligible for such visits.
Common Conditions That Can Benefit from Home Visits
1-2 weeks after major surgery
Requests for visits by home health nurse
Very contagious diseases (e.g., varicella)
Severely immunocompromised patients
Patients with quadriplegia or debilitating neurological disorder
Severe diseases with patient bedbound or severely incapacitated
Severe inflammatory diseases which makes ambulating extremely taxing and/or painful
Patients with severe dementia or other mental disorders
An acute onset illness in a patient for whom transportation is extremely arduous and for whom the visit may prevent deterioration or hospitalization
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Why choose home visits with 1st Care Management?
We believe in bringing healthcare into the community where those who cannot make it to the hospital receives the care they deserve.